How to book
You can book The Boathouse venue for weddings, meetings and parties
To make an enquiry about making a booking, please e-mail;, and provide :
- Your Name
- Contact Telephone Number
- The Date(s) Required
- Type of the Event
- The Hours of your Event (from and until)
Please be aware that no booking will be considered with less than 7 days notice.
Naturally, it would be preferable to provisionally book a date and then advise of its cancellation but again, providing us with as much notice as possible of this.
On receipt of your initial application, we will confirm the booking by return.
If you need to discuss any potential booking, please contact Gordon Padmore on 07951 701809 or 01562 730481 (evenings). For private parties, a separate booking form will need to be completed and will be forwarded on request.
Last updated 23:17 on 13 May 2024